Friday, August 12, 2016

What's Next?

The game is starting to get routine -- and boring -- at this point.  I have traversed the ground between my three bases.  I find out what the missions are at each base, then have my factories in Alamosa produce whatever is in demand.  The items are then flown to the base where they are in demand.

Bases have been added in Fort Collins, Laramie Wyoming, Akron Colorado and Colorado Springs.  Eventually, a bases may be added to Albuquerque and El Paso.  In the meantime, I may look for other promising productions centers.  Laramie,  Wyoming offers some good possibilities, but is not as good as Alamosa, meaning that I may have to fly in some raw materials to do productions.

While bases are limited in how much can be held, the same is not true for factories.  This means a large stockpile of raw materials can be held in factories.

Flying between the cities is pretty routine.  Like most  jobs, it is not so interesting.  I guess a lot depends on how one wants to play the game.  If one wants to fly to a wide variety of different airports, probably flying cargo jobs is the best way to do this.  If one wants to make money, flying missions to larger airports is the way to go.

The number of missions an airport offers seems related to the size of the city it serves.  Jeffco, for example gets a lot of business.  But it is considered to be part of Denver, even though it is really much close to the city and county of Broomfield and is a more suburban part of Jefferson County, Colorado.

I may add additional factories to cities, just because it is easier to produce commodities at the airport where they are in demand.  Ultimately, this requires fewer flights.

I have hired one AI pilot to do a lot of the routine flying.  After he does his route, production begins in Alamosa, and deliveries can begin the next day.  Customers really can't complain about a 24 hour turn around on orders.

As orders get larger, I will purchase cargo planes with a larger capacity.

A passenger service will be explored.  A passenger plane has been purchased.  Eventually, I will switch to jets, for faster passenger service.

I don't plan on giving blow by blow accounts of each flight, or even each round of flights.  Those reading this blog should have some ideas on one way of playing the game.  However, Air Hauler can be played many different ways.  It is a very flexible game.

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