Sunday, August 7, 2016

Getting Type Rated

It's time to start flying!

In fact, isn't that the underlying purpose of the game.  Besides, I need to start exploring other cities where I can sell  products made in my factories.  However, to get those lucrative missions in other cities, I must first build bases there.

The first target of interest is the City of Pueblo.  Pueblo is an old industrial town known for its steel industry and labor strife in the early 20th century.  If my plans go right, it is in for some modernization.

But before I can start setting up in business, I must be type rated in the Bonanza.  I set up the flight in Air Hauler, then fire up Prepar3d, the flight simulator sold by Lockheed Martin.  My new Colorado photo scenery was just installed as my factories were completing their first missions.

After takeoff, I am instructed to climb to 12,640 feet.  Alamosa is at 7500 feet, but still this is a long slow climb in a Bonanza at this altitude.  After reaching altitude, I am directed to a heading of 153, and then directed to increase my altitude to 13,343 feet at a heading of 072; Then back to a heading of 166 at am altitude of 12, 640.  Finally, I am directed to make a good landing at my home airport.

After an OK landing, I past my type rating for the Bonanza.

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