Sunday, August 7, 2016


The real money in Air Hauler is made in owning factories and producing goods.  Theoretically, these goods can be transported to various locations around the world where one can make money.

The production of goods is centered around missions.  Generally, the game has certain cargos one can transport from point A to point B, for a modest sum.  However, missions are different.  With missions, a merchant at one of your bases wants certain products.  Your job is to either find these products, or manufacture them, for delivery to your customer.

The game has three tiers of products.  The first tier of products can be found at many airports around the world.  Most airports, however, do not allow for the purchase or sale of products.  Usually only the more prominent named airports offer goods for sale, or have a demand for goods.  The market price for goods can vary from airport to airport.

As stated in the prior post, it is quite possible to make money simply by buying products at an airport where they are inexpensive, and selling them at an airport where they are expensive.  Your money is made on the spread.  However, the amount you can make this way is limited.

Missions are like these arbitrage jobs on steroids.  The customer at the destination will pay an amount many times what the player would get paid by simply buying low and selling high in the markets.  As a result, seeing paydays in the hudreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars, is not unusual with missions.

Generally, I have only found missions offered at bases.  Here is the incentive to build bases.  Each base will typically generate two missions on a fairly regular basis.

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