Even though Air Hauler nominally is about flying cargo from place to place, it is also a game about making money, and making it as quickly and efficiently as possible. As stated in an earlier post, the fastest way of making money is becoming an industrialist.
So rather than worrying about flying my Bonanza, I was going to build factories and start producing products. (Of course part of my motivation was downloading and installing photo scenery for the State of Colorado. This gave me something to do while the photo scenery was being downloaded.)
To determine what factories would be built first, I looked at my available missions. The first mission was for 434 pounds of radios. Radios are made with one part plastic and one part electronics. Thus, my first two builds would be for a chemical factory and an electronics factory.
The first order of business was my chemical factory. Each factory can produce three products. I selected plastics, fertilizer and fireworks. The fireworks were 3/4 of the cost by the way, but eventually someone will want to set off fireworks somewhere. I spent $200,000 to build this factory. I immediately put it to work making 434 pounds of plastic. This required the purchase of 868 pounds of chemicals.
The second factory was an electronics factory. This factory would be used to make Radios, Memory Sticks and Personal Electronics. Each of these items would require 1 pound of plastics and 1 pound of electronics to manufacture one pound of product. I put this factory to work making the required radios. I would used the radios produced by the chemical plant along with electronics purchased at the airport.
The radios sold for $101,205.
My second mission was for 623 pounds of furniture. One pound of wood products and one pound of leather products are required to produce one pound of furniture. Even though wood products were not on my essential list of six commodities, they were available at the Alamosa airport. So I built a wood products factory which would create furniture and musical instruments. By the way, musical instruments require one pound each of wood and machine parts. Machine parts were part of my essential six commodities.
I did have to take out a loan to afford this new factory. Hopefully, this investment will pay off.
The 623 pounds of furniture sold for $119,242.
Thus the first two missions were successfully completed with me making a single flight. In fact, I had not yet even been type rated on the Bonanza.
With gross earning of over $220,000 in my pocket, it is now time to start exploring new markets
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