Sunday, August 7, 2016

Custom Jobs

One way of breaking free from the jobs created by the game is to create one's own jobs.  Different commodities can be found at different prices at different airports.  A very basic way of creating a custom job is to find a commodity which is sold at one price at one airport and at another price at another airport.  Then it's simply a matter of buying that commodity in quantity at the low price, transporting it to the airport where it sells at a higher price, and then selling it at the higher price.

Assume one's home base is Adana Airpark, where self sealing stem bolts sell for $74.  However, in nearby Sarpeida, the going rate for self sealing stem bolts is $93.  One can buy a load of self sealing stem bolds in Adana and sell them at Sarpeida, at a tidy profit of $19 per pound.  Then assume one can buy reverse ratcheting router planars in Sarpeida for $325 and sell them in Adana Airpark for $371.  One has the basis for a very lucrative business by simply making flights between Adana and Sarpeida.

The money to be made by the custom jobs is much greater than that typically offered by the game generated jobs.  If one has the money, one is usually better off purchasing more expensive items for trade simply because the spread tends to be greater with more expensive items on a pound for pound basis.

These custom jobs have another advantage:  one can select the airports where one does business.  This means no more grass runways or runways without lights.  In fact, these smaller airports typically do not buy and sell commodities.  So one gets to fly to airports with asphalt runways, runway lights, and ILS signals.

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